IB ACIO Interview 2024

IAS Interview Dates 2012 : csm 2011

List of roll numbers of CIVIL SERVICES (MAIN), 2011, whose dates for the personality test have been fixed for the period i.e. 19th March, 2012 to 24th April 2012 are mentioned below. The list of roll numbers whose interview/PT boards will be fixed after 24th April 2012 shall be available on UPSC website later on. The candidates are advised to download and fill up the required attestation, TA form, Bio data etc. from the website of the UPSC and bring them at the time of the PT.

19th March 2012
 0900 HRS
194 1633 2484 4681 6313 8661 11366
197 1779 2588 4934 6784 8788 11435
200 1909 2734 5032 6944 8821 11701
225 1939 2735 5252 7003 9754 11707
229 1982 2796 5315 7438 9760 12153
321 2006 3274 5478 7700 9838 12161

1315 HRS

491 2110 3526 5494 7710 10048 12485
501 2166 3686 5789 7750 10083 12487
812 2255 3699 5815 7753 10230 12490
1085 2269 4212 6153 7766 10295 12492
1154 2313 4381 6254 7854 10564 12654
1430 2325 4562 6304 8459 10891 12916

20th March 2012
 0900 HRS
12953 15052 22342 27107 32475 43206 50109
13121 15135 22467 27823 36339 43375 51046
13310 15505 22771 27893 40010 43842 51523
13595 15825 25652 28447 40013 44162 51532
13890 16166 25891 28944 40492 45299 52694
13951 16642 25975 30932 41145 45505 53939

1315 HRS
13959 16972 26145 31183 41308 46273 54108
14085 17162 26289 31340 41798 46410 55212
14241 18242 26329 31422 41807 46921 60262
14255 19514 26449 31499 42583 47081 61580
14384 20003 26682 31655 42738 47401 62807
14420 22248 26694 35077 72387 47878 63390

21st  March 2012
0900 HRS
73183 83257 87740 102457 114936 142160 151410
74527 83432 87909 102733 116045 143237 151641
76703 84077 90559 102882 116047 144830 151864
77525 85367 96335 103709 120727 144868 151902
77983 85511 96495 103714 136162 145188 153419
80409 85832 96826 110292 137071 145507 153496

1315 HRS
81596 85851 96975 111273 137513 145552 157435
81658 85911 97007 111638 138247 147149 157594
81824 85936 100501 112280 139826 148349 210067
82304 85978 100963 114615 140171 149006 210850
82391 86477 101001 114682 140483 150982 211994
82815 86494 101764 114800 140945 151403 212788
214213 218240 220816 224547 229360 233003 235273
214544 218343 221058 224840 229509 233181 235274
214719 218467 221304 224901 230092 233211 236072
216217 218531 222120 225430 230321 233541 237324
216458 219033 222580 226076 230566 233922 237490
216578 219188 222989 226231 230576 234292 237979

22nd  March 2012
 0900 HRS

214213 218240 220816 224547 229360 233003 235273
214544 218343 221058 224840 229509 233181 235274
214719 218467 221304 224901 230092 233211 236072
216217 218531 222120 225430 230321 233541 237324
216458 219033 222580 226076 230566 233922 237490
216578 219188 222989 226231 230576 234292 237979

1315 HRS

216580 219573 222997 226433 230762 234484 238527
216592 219954 223210 227214 230805 234487 239602
217000 220331 223211 227240 231891 234663 241346
217148 220343 223502 227542 232347 234799 241724
217579 220403 223963 227972 232510 234938 242906
217954 220418 224523 229190 232999 235228 243356

23rd  March 2012 
0900 HRS

243624 249064 253932 266765 274757 284020 292164
243656 249447 255017 267234 275912 284672 292199
243735 249467 255340 268399 276763 284864 292843
244350 249479 255393 268405 277245 285032 294560
245705 249875 258078 269397 277283 286517 294839
246007 249943 261979 270024 278644 286755 296504

1315 HRS

246033 250759 262382 271116 278855 288166 299991
246462 250805 262662 271190 278978 288661 300278
246485 251263 262848 271649 279145 288855 303782
248289 251404 263093 273271 279682 289901 305524
248683 253549 266127 273438 281624 291660 307370
248782 253833 266586 274214 282958 291855 308366


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