IB ACIO Interview 2024

UPSC SPECIAL RECRUITMENT : Public Prosecutors in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Airworthiness Officers in the Office of Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Assistant Public Provident Fund Commissioners

(It includes notes, books, CD and other reference material with practice sets) 
Call 09811299811 and 09990840999. Admission open. Click here to Order now!

(*: by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in) VACANCY DETAILS

i) Not exceeding 35 years for the posts at Item Nos. 1, 2 & 3

PAY SCALE & CLASSIFICATION: (Figures in bracket at the end of the pay scale
indicate the approx Total Emoluments (per month) (T.E.) excluding TA and HRA
at the minimum of the scale).
i) Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) +  Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.34,650/-), General
Central Service,  Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial  for the posts at Item
Nos. 1 & 2.
ii) Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) +  Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.34,650/-), Group
‘A’, Non-Ministerial  for the posts at Item No. 3.


I) SCHEME FOR THE TEST (Item Nos. 1, 2 & 3)
i) The test will be of two hours’ duration and will carry a maximum of 100 marks.
ii) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answers.
iii) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a
deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is
marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.

1. (Vacancy No. 12045101814) Fifty 

Public Prosecutors in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). 
Of the fifty (50) posts, seven (7) posts are reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates, three (3)
posts are reserved for Scheduled Tribes Candidates, thirteen (13) posts are reserved
for Other Backward Classes Candidates and the remaining twenty seven (27) posts
are Unreserved. Of the fifty posts, one post is reserved for Physically Handicapped
Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/ Locomotor Disability/
Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (OL) (with Both Arms Working)  or One Arm
Affected (OA) (with Both Legs Working) from any community. The posts are also suitable
for Physically Handicapped Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/
Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (OL) (with Both Arms
Working)  or One Arm Affected (OA) (with Both Legs Working). QUALIFICATIONS:
ESSENTIAL: A. EDUCATIONAL: Degree in Law of a recognized University or
equivalent. B. EXPERIENCE: Seven years’ practice at the Bar in conducting criminal
cases. DUTIES: Responsible for conducting the prosecution of cases in the courts.
Attend to matters arising of or pertaining to court cases/references. To give legal
advice in respect of cases investigated by the Branch. To attend to other works as
prescribed by the Department from time-to-time. HQ: Any of the CBI Branches in India.

A) The syllabus of the question paper for the post of Public Prosecutor (Item No. 1)
comprises the following major topics/broad areas. The level of the question paper
will be that of L.L.B. programme of recognized Indian Universities. The medium
of the test will be English only.
i) Criminal Law including IPC and Cr. PC
iii) Constitutional Law
iv) Evidence Law
v) Prevention of Corruption Act
vi) Delhi Special Police Establishment Act
vii) Information Technology Act (IT Act)
viii)Central Vigilance Commission Act (CVC Act)

2. (Vacancy No. 12045102714) One Hundred Thirty Airworthiness Officers in the Office of Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Ministry of Civil Aviation.
Of the one hundred thirty (130) posts,
nineteen (19) posts are reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates, nine (9) posts are
reserved for Scheduled Tribes Candidates, thirty six (36) posts are reserved for Other
Backward Classes Candidates and the remaining sixty six (66) posts are Unreserved.
The posts are neither identified as suitable nor reserved for Physically Challenged
persons. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: A. i) Bachelor’s Degree with Physics or
Mathematics as one of the subjects from a recognized University or equivalent; and A.
ii) Two years’ experience in the field of Aircraft Maintenance (Engineering) OR B. Degree
in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Aeronautical Engineering from a recognized
University or equivalent. DESIRABLE: i) Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s License in
any of the categories viz. A, B, C, D and X, ii) Practical experience on multiengine
aircrafts or power plant or equipment installed on such aircrafts. DUTIES: Sectional
supervision of manufacture, repair and maintenance of aircraft, aero-engines, spare
parts and accessories. Sectional supervision of the operation of aircraft and engineering
personnel employed therein. Inspection of aircraft and engines for issue and renewal of
certificates of Airworthiness. Preliminary investigation of aircraft accidents, mechanical
delays and forced landings. NOTE I: Passing of Associate Membership examination of
Section A & B conducted by the Institute of Engineers in the branches of Mechanical,
Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication engineering shall be considered as
equivalent to degree in engineering in appropriate branches. NOTE II: Passing of Section
A & B of Associate Membership Examination conducted by the Aeronautical Society of
India, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi shall be considered as equivalent to degree in
Aeronautical Engineering.

The syllabus of the question paper for the post of Airworthiness Officer (Item
No. 2) comprises the following major topics/ broad areas. The medium of the test
will be English only.
i) Thermodynamics & IC Engines
ii) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
iii) Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery

iv) Theory of Machines & Machine Design
v) Strength of Materials & Machine Design
vi) Production Engineering & Industrial Engineering
vii) Electromagnetic Theory & Network Theory
viii)Electrical Materials & Components
ix) Electrical Circuits & Electrical Machines
x) Measurements & Instrumentation
xi) Control Systems &  Signal Systems
xii) Analog & Digital Circuits
xiii)Communication Systems
xiv)Computer Engineering

3. (Vacancy No. 12045103714) Two Hundred Fifty Three Assistant Public Provident Fund Commissioners in the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Ministry of Labour & Employment.
Of the two hundred fifty three (253) posts, thirty-seven (37) posts are reserved for
Scheduled Castes candidates, eighteen (18) posts are reserved for Scheduled Tribes
candidates, sixty-three (63) posts are reserved for Other Backward Classes candidates
and the remaining one hundred thirty five (135) posts are Unreserved. Of the two
hundred fifty three (253) posts, ten (10) posts are reserved for Physically Handicapped
Persons from any community. Of the ten (10) posts reserved for Physically handicapped
Persons, six (06) posts are reserved for Physically Handicapped Persons with disability
viz. Hearing Handicapped/ Hearing Impairment (HH) and remaining four (04) posts
are reserved for Physically Handicapped Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically
Handicapped/ Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with One Arm Affected (OA) or
One Leg Affected (OL) or Both Legs Affected (BL) from any community. The posts are
also sui table  for  Physical ly Handicapped Persons wi th disabi l i ty viz.  Hear ing
Handicapped/ Hearing Impairment (HH) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/ Locomotor
Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with One Arm Affected (OA) or One Leg Affected (OL) or
Both Legs Affected (BL). 
QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: Degree of a recognised
University or equivalent.  DESIRABLE:   Diploma in Company Law/ Labour Laws/
Public Administration.  ANY OTHER CONDITIONS: i) Employees’ Provident Fund
Organisation is a statutory body and service under it will not be treated as Govt.
Service. ii) In respect of permanent Government Servant appointed as APFC, the
EPFO can pay leave salary and pension contribution as admissible under the rules for
two years if a demand is made by the parent department for the same for maintaining
lien. If he/ she ultimately chooses to go back to his/ her parent department, the amount
remitted is liable to be refunded to the organisation before the officer is relieved.
DUTIES: Look after the work of Enforcement, Recovery, Accounts, Administration,
Cash, Legal, Pension and Computer which includes the statutory and administrative
functions like conducting inquiry, settlement of claims, general administration,
maintenance of Cash Book/ Reconciliation of Bank Statement, MIS returns etc. HQ:
Anywhere in India excluding the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

The syllabus of the question paper for the post of Assistant Provident Fund
Commissioner (APFC) (Item No. 3) comprises the following major topics/ broad
areas. The medium of the test will be both English and Hindi.
i) The questions in General English component of the test will be designed to
evaluate candidate’s understanding of English language and workman-like use
of the words.
ii) The questions in  General Studies component will broadly cover areas like
Current Events, Indian Culture, Heritage and Freedom Movements, Population,
Development and Globalization, Governance and Constitution of India, Present
Trends in Indian Economy, Accountancy and Auditing, Industrial Relations &
Labour Laws, Insurance, Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications, General
Science, Elementary Maths & Statistics, General Mental Abilities.

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