IB ACIO Interview 2024


The Labour Enforcement officer (C) (LEOs(C)) have been declared inspectors under all the above enactments enumerated in column (4), in the industries / establishments in the Central Sphere. Almost all LEOs(C) having independent offices are also Conciliation officers under section 4 of I.D. Act. They have also been declared supervisors of the railways employees, as per the provisions of the Indian Railways Act.
(Interview coaching available for LEO and ALC at Career Quest Institute, Delhi. For more details you may contact 09811299811, 09990840999.)

Asstt. Labour Commissioners have been declared inspectors under all the enactments enumerated in column (4), above, except Equal remuneration Act and Payment of Gratuity Act. They are conciliation officers under the I.D.Act (Section 4). They intervene and prevent the industrial disputes and maintain harmonious Industrial Relations. A.L.Cs(C) are also controlling authorities under the payment of Gratuity Act (sec.3), Authorities under the Equal remuneration Act (Sections 7) and Registering and Licensing Officers (Sections 6 and 11 respectively) under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act.
The ALCs as Conciliation Officers intervene into the industrial disputes and maintain harmonious Industrial Relations.
As controlling authorities under the payment of Gratuity Act (sec. 3), and Authorities under the Equal remuneration Act (Sections 7), they
decide the claim cases filed before them under these acts. As Registering and Licensing Officers under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, they grant licenses to the contractors and Registration certificate to the Principal Employers.
They are also Registering and Licensing officer under I.S(M.W) Act, Registering officer under the Building & other construction workers (RE&CS)Act inspectors under other enactment's. In addition ALCs(C) have to do verification of Trade Union Membership in the establishment wherever required (in respect of industries, which have accepted code of discipline, statutory verification in Banks and ad-hoc verification in major ports). The Ministry and Hqrs also ask them. Office of the CLC(C) to conduct inquiries/investigations into complaints/representations references received from VIPs/Unions/individual workers etc.
(Interview coaching available for LEO and ALC at Career Quest Institute, Delhi. For more details you may contact 09811299811, 09990840999.)

RLC(C) is the Authority under Minimum Wages Act. They decide cases of payment of wages less than minimum rate of wages fixed, filed before them, as provided under sec. 20 of the M.W.Act. They are certifying officers, under IE(SO) Act. for certification of the Draft Standing Orders, submitted under the I.E (S.O) Act. They are the appellate authority under Payment of Gratuity Act and Equal remuneration Act. They have also been declared inspectors under all the enactments enumerated in column (4), above, except Equal remuneration Act and Payment of Gratuity Act.
The RLCs(C) being the head of the region is not only in charge of day-to-day administration but also has to discharge many statutory duties relating to enforcement and industrial relations, including those of Conciliation Officer under the I.D. Act. Appellate officers under CL(R&A) Act, I.S(M.W) Act and buildings & construction workers (RE&CS) Act, RLCs(C) also function as convener member of the subcommittee constituted by DG(LW) to investigate and report about the desirability to prohibit contract labour in industries.

The Dy. CLCs(C), besides, coordinating, monitoring and supervising the activities of the regional offices, also handle important Industrial Disputes referred to or apprehended in the zone effectively. Dy. CLC(C)a as appellate authority under IE(SOs) Act, dispose off appeals arising out of certification of standing orders by RLC(C)s. The Dy.CLCs(C) are authority for deciding cases of same or similar nature of work and condition of wages of contract labour under Rule 25 (2)(v)(a) and 25(2) (v) (b) of CL(R&A) (Central) Rules respectively.

As the head of the organization of the CLC(C) has an over all control over the functioning of the organization. The CLC(C) has been declared an inspector under some establishments such as M.W. Act etc., he has also been given certain special powers under enactment like CL(R&A) Act, IESO) Act etc.

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